Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kinship Circle


The word ‘kinship’ usually means a connection by blood, marriage, or adoption; family relationship or a relationship by nature or character; some kind of affinity. Kinship Circle an all volunteer organization widens the meaning to include the relationship and connection of humans and animals. It helps beings who have been victims of disaster all around the world.
Bear witness; speak; demand; act is their motto. Kinship Circle has done so much around the world for the animal victims of disasters. In recent years, it has helped animals in: Japan Earthquake-Tsunami, Brazil Floods-Mudslides, Chile Earthquake-Tsunami, Gulf Oil Disaster, Haiti Quake, Iowa Floods, Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
I found a wonderful prayer/poem by Brenda Shoss, founder of
Kinship Circle
My prayer tonight is for all who
lie down in chains and cages.
Alone and afraid on a concrete floor.
Soundless screams behind the clang of metal.
Locked in rooms most will never see.
I feel their fear arise in my soul
Ancient yet new…
A primal flame burning against the walls of my heart.
I want to scream an endless note,
Loud and true:
Clubbed. Forgotten.
Dismembered. Forgotten.
Gassed. Forgotten.
Beaten. Forgotten.
Burned. Forgotten.
Electrocuted. Forgotten.
Abandoned. Forgotten.
Poisoned. Forgotten.
Skinned. Forgotten.
Shot. Forgotten.
Caged. Forgotten.
Shackled. Forgotten.
Murdered. Forgotten.
And with my eyes, they will be seen.
With my voice, they will be heard.
With my hands, they will know comfort.
With my action, they will be free.
Dear God, fill their oppressors with mercy and empathy.
Dear God, instill compassion where there is apathy.
Replace horror with grace.
Bloodshed with healing.
Restore all humans and animals to their natural place.
Liberate all humans and animals from greed, violence and hate.
So that tonight and evermore, ALL may lie down to sleep
unchained – uncaged - free.
By Brenda Shoss, - Kinship Circle 2005

It is my fervent prayer that we humans may open our hearts to include all animal victims of suffering and work towards the end of all of our collective sorrow. Please visit
Kinship Circle
’s website: http://www.kinshipcircle.org/

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